As a result of the investigation, the Competition Authority decided that Google has a dominant position in the general search services market, that it has not abused its dominant position in the market through the search features offered on the general search engine results page, and concluded that there is no need to impose an administrative fine. |
The Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey decided to keep the policy rate, which is one-week repo auction rate, fixed at 50 percent. |
With the amendment to the Communiqué on Reserve Requirements, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey lowered the monthly growth limit for foreign currency loans from 2% to 1.5% to support tight monetary policy. The limit for Turkish lira loans remained unchanged at 2%. Investment loans issued with funds provided by international development finance institutions will be excluded from these limits. |
Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Real Estate Investment Funds was published. The Communiqué aims to allow real estate investment funds to invest in real estate projects where more than half of the total gross area of independent sections is allocated for residential use in order to contribute to housing production, and to simplify and more effectively carry out the application processes of real estate investment funds. |
Pursuant to the Draft Law on the Amendment of the Law on Consumer Protection and Certain Laws submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, it is stipulated that the penalties for commercial advertisements and unfair commercial practices will be increased, consumer and housing finance loans can be made at a distance, and the calculation methods of the licence fees of e-commerce intermediary service providers will be changed. |
In the personal data breach notification made by Güneş Ekspres Havacılık Anonim Şirketi(SunExpress) to the Personal Data Protection Board; it was stated a cyber attacker gainedunauthorised access to the campaign management platform used by the data controller byobtaining the login details of an administrator account and sent phishing emails through thisaccount, the breach occurred on 15.07.2024 and was detected on the same day, the cyberattacker sent a total of 1,986,293 e-mails to 596,659 unique e-mail addresses, the relevantgroups of people affected by the breach; employees, customers and potential customers, thepersonal data category affected by the breach is contact (e-mail) information, 596.659 e-mailaddresses; 86 of them belong to employees (current and former employees), 249,668 of thembelong to customers, 346,905 e-mail addresses are e-mail addresses whose source is unknownand uploaded to the system during the attack by the cyber attacker, and that the relevantpersons can get information about the data breach through the form on the website of thedata controller. +90 (212) 975 26 43
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